are here, among these shores, to console a morza ... : D I hate hate exams and materials stupid! >. \u0026lt;
Well, I just hope it passes soon! I miss only this to end and I'm sick!
But now we talk about serious things ... : D The time has come Simmar a while! ^ - ^ Go with cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here took the plane, which took us happily to Sunseeeet!
Henrich: Speak for yourself! -.- '
silence and do not start! u.ù
So, I said ... arrived at our destination the guests' belongings (from which we pretend to extract MAGIC also our poor house, as such, D) and we're going to find genes ... that is ... find someone with whom to spend the rest of your life beautiful ... : D
Henrich: That is to say du hast me here to see what portaren!?!? Nothing? OO
Oh ... um ... nice view that the fountain? ^ - ^
Henrich: -.-''
But really! You think you do better? Well! I'm leaving you free, we see what we can do! u.ù
Henrich: Uuuuh a Zeme Giganten! Iiiih, zkakki! Ziiii! Adoren ich sie! ^ - ^
OMG! OO is more stupid than I think ... -.-'' And that's fine ...
But at least there's a paparazzi! Maybe something useful could get out ... No, not even that ... porc ... ok, enough! I am calm! Ammmmm ...
Henrich: Then I ezzere kvello crazy! Oo
Look! >. \u0026lt;'Enough, let's go home ...
But what do you stand in front of the house to spy on people!?! View of ...
Henrich: Want to zilenzio!?
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... do not you ever give! UU
Henrich: 1, Porcello not Zei more! Remember the 2 nd nordic charm? ^.
^ oo and that is why I say! : D
Henrich: Zkommetti?
Good! Go!
Henrich: Hallo! Mein Name ist und ich Henrich zono ... er, zkusa ein Moment, bitte! Zenti, leave me a moment Zolo?
-.- 'okay, sorry ...
So the two begin to talk ... she surprised by what he says (mmmh ... and if I used a glass and put me behind the door I could hear something!?!?>. \u0026lt;') ...
then gives her a massage ... TO MAKE A MASSAGE!?! OO
and kiss ?!?!!?!? Okay, I withdraw into my lodgings. ... ____.''
- A few hours later, I find the courage to leave the previous properties -
But nooo !!!!!!!!! If the dream too ?!?!?!?! Okay, I like the end! 8)
At early! But you seem to get up this time?! So what happened?
Henrich: Guten Morgen! ^ - ^ I tell Zolo: W Tetesko the charm! : D
-.- 'I'm going to cancel ...
Henrich: teasing you! Now I come, I'll go take a shower because I have to exit 8)
Oo And when you have a social life!?
And cover! -.- '
Ih-ih, it is well settled and changed! So OO is really serious ... mmmh ... ok, we'll see! uu
Henrich: Ah, just because zono good, yesterday I skoperto inziemen we're really good! ^ - ^
Henrich: So now I have asked for a ride! Und sie hat accept!
(*_______* heirs coming! *_____* Starts Starmie just nice! ^ - ^) Beeeeeeeeneeeeee! Then force, or will you later! ^ - ^
Henrich: This change improvvizo konvince not me! Kosa hide it!?
Nothing ... u.ù now move!
Oh, you cook?
Henrich: you put zalzicce Teteske? 8)
Um ... no, this is not the comment! uu
Good! I would say that the meeting went fairly well eh?
Henrich: I can say loud! Everything about the zalzicce! Then
! We want to stop?! >. \u0026lt;So I close the Continuing LJ! However >.\u0026lt;''
well, let's go home now?
Henrich: Nein! Ich habe ein another commitment! Ze But you have to do, or at your age you do not make a stand, go ahead! Azpetta Kazaa!
OO I deleted! u.ù
Henrich: I have kiesto zuonare of a theater! 8)
Oh yeah, and what, pif ... mmmh .... I hold ...
Henrich: Ze Zei Cozi already zekondo post, I begin to preoccupieren!
No, no, quiet! You'll see how that will pass the exams will restore me!
Henrich: Ezami!?!
Ah, yes, but I talk to do with you? You can do the presidents of the UN without a scrap of paper ... blessed ... -.- '
We avoid painful discussions and move forward!
Henrich: Nein! Ich Gehe zu dormiren, because I can no longer stand! uu
Bien! Then Goodnight ... Well, you've slept enough! Now come on because otherwise it annoys people! uu
Henrich: But ... ç________ç
So, you've reached the 8th level of career?! And then, Show us! Force, to work! ^ - ^
And then you go to the barracks, where one could chat with friends, a peek at the various gears, a bit of physical activity and some fire (1 per day not be wasted too much ... uu) our Nordic also be receiving congratulations! 8)
Exaggerate ...
Henrich: Cut! : D Well
! Let's say that you worked well on, you deserve a nice gift! *_____*
So keep some change, then we will! ^ - ^
Now that we have finished everything, what would you do?
Miiiiiiii that fantasy! New here? But take it somewhere nice!
Henrich: zai But not so! Watch and learn! ;)
*_________* Oooooooh that romantic! He brought to the site of his first appointment, to ask her to marry him! What then if we put it all was also the only event, but
Henrich: zilenzio You and I do not ruin this moment! >. \u0026lt;
Sorry! ... She however agreed! *____* Viva the wedding (and the heirs! *_____* Least I threw him out in front of uu )!!!!!
Henrich: Look, I Zentiva! ù.u
: D
And in a few days we are going to choose the dress and organize everything! (There are no friends to invite, and then call the first passersby that happen ...: D)
The festival begins !!!!!
The exchange of rings ... *________* And guests with rice! *______* But cute!! ^ - ^
O mother! But what I see !?!??!
Yellow, I understand well ... and think it is well known! OO If it goes to the galas, we are okay! -.-''
The party still continues, and stops ... er, the famed earns a beautiful star the newly arrived! ^ - ^
But the party ends and everyone goes back to casino ... even though no one knew anyone (!?!?) EPICA has been a celebration! ;)
And then, while the husband goes to bed, Kali (so called) goes to ... CHECK THE OVEN?!?! Oh Mom, I missed only the neurotic! Now I get it I! Oo
Well, the night we say that the energies were missing, but in the morning ... : D

Oo sorry ... >. \u0026lt;
murderess What eyes! : D (okay okay, I'm quiet ... -.- '... reach the heirs !?!??: D ... no ... no jingle ç_____ç)
Okay, finished their facts, Hen goes to work (strength, scase!: D) while her family is now contributing to the economy! : D
At the headquarters of the newspaper! : D
(ahahahha! stole the car prior to the family!: D I like it: D)
Well dear, now used to something, you'll want to commit! :) So come on, at home to practice on writing! :)
Kali: Look pretty, not giving orders proprioi is not the case! And let me first check all the taps, gas leaks and electrical and electronic equipment that are in the house, then talk about it! OO UU
reinforcements have arrived, eh ... -.- '
Meanwhile, the house began to change with the first change coming! ^ - ^
Inside ...
And inside! In practice, it is the same (I can not afford more), with the same rooms and same features, but is wider! And then has a mini garden in front! ^. ^
And here we are at the end ... first let's see what makes our northern hero!
Ahahahaha! Well, maybe it was better to leave it alone! : D But on
Ercolino! Perhaps you'll want to reduce weight! : D

Kali: Oh, yeah, thanks ... uu
-.- 'Well! Now would you please get to work?!?!
Kali: calmly by ... ^. ^
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH .... celapossofarecelapossofarecelapossofare ... no no, I can not! >. \u0026lt;
close enough for tonight, otherwise they send me to the madhouse! >. \u0026lt;
Salutiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!! ^ - ^
And for tonight's all folks! I hope not to have too bored with this nonsense and my prolepsis! ;)
you soon! ^ - ^
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