Thus, the usual points because I have to run away to study. Last night, chatting with lovve

. What is always on the green, but now has a super banner * O *
I finished reading The Demon's Lexicon
yoruko89 , I will pass soon ♥ (The only note is sad is that the result comes out this summer. And the closing volume of a trilogy, desperation two years * *) My
external storage is broken. I discovered some time ago but I tried to ignore the problem - it did not do anything, of course (ah, if the problems were like cats, just ignore that part and a little emotional blackmail, and then to just stop doing their heads and obey you ç___ç!) and then nothing, I have the choice of 1) take it from any technical, maybe save the data, but fuck the guarantee, 2) send him to the studio where you first format it. Yay. I must make a great slogan that I have already talked to the lovva
izzieanne . \\ 0 / Just finished 'is damn session I do.
latter was set up bonus xD But yesterday there was a cute & curious little article (as is not often) the appearance of pages Error 404, what you see when you fail to type a web address, to be clear, or when the page no longer exists. I love these two, but all the gallery
is love.
. My beloved
(the book published by Maya / Mistful, author of the DDG) and I loved O__O There are demons and brothers who love and swords and red hair.
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