1.Ho offered a drink to everyone in a bar along with swimming
2.I Dolphins
3.Ho climbed a mountain
4.I led a Ferrari
5th I was inside the Great Pyramid (The Mayan pyramid of Chichen Itza count?)
6.Ho hand held a tarantula
7 . I have gone swimming naked in the sea
8.Ho said "I love you" believing (We always believe if I say it)
9.Ho hugged a tree (Yes, the car!> _ \u0026lt;)
10.Ho done a strip tease
11.Ho done bungee jumping
12.Sono been to Paris
13th I saw a storm at sea
14.Ho spent the night wake up to see Dawn
15.Ho seen the northern lights (From the cockpit of an airplane, flying over Greenland * _ *)
16.Ho changed diapers for a child (God forbid)
17.Sono climb walking on top of the Tower of Pisa
18.Ho growing and eating vegetables from my garden
19.Ho hit an iceberg
20.Ho slept under the stars
21.Sono been seen on a balloon
22.Ho a meteor shower
23.Mi got drunk
24.Ho smoked grass (Once, in a bathtub full of steam. And I almost fainted, but so far I have not yet figured out if by steam or the spinel O_o)
looked 25.Ho the stars with a telescope
26.Mi the laughter came at an inopportune time (And do not recommend it: P)
27.Ho had oral sex
28.Ho bet the horses and won
29.Mi pretend they are sick although it had
30.Ho invited a stranger to my house
31.Ho done battle with snowballs
32.Mi are photocopied in the office butt
33.Ho screamed with all my strength just for the heck of it
34.Ho held in his arms a lamb (But I'd like * _ *)
35.Ho put in place long thought of an erotic fantasy
36.Ho made a romantic bath in light of candle (No candles, but moonlight and very romantic: P)
37.Ho took a shower with cold water
38.Mi started to talk to a beggar
39.Ho seen a total eclipse
40.Ho sunbathing topless
41.Sono been on a roller coaster
42.Ho made a home run
43.Ho danced like mad, not caring about the other
44.Ho spoke with an accent to a full day (But what will be fun?: P)
45.Ho visited the site of origin of my ancestors
46.Almeno once I felt happy with my life
47.Ho visited all Member America
48.Amo my work in every aspect
49.Ho comforted someone who was crapped bad
50.Ho won some lottery (seee, but when ever?)
51.Ho danced with strangers in foreign countries (In Kenya, on the beach. With a guy like dark-skinned ebony)
52.Ho seen whales
53.Ho masturbated others
54.Ho stolen or damaged road signs
55. I was sent back to Europe, arrival in U.S.
56.Ho took a trip on the road (And the Mexican highways do not recommend it to anyone)
57.Ho made mountaineering
58.Ho lied to customs
59. I took a walk night on the beach (with the ebony guy above)
60.Ho paragliding
61.Sono been done in Ireland
62.Ho had their hearts broken for longer than it has been in love
63.Al restaurant I sat down to eat with strangers (Dinners work O_o)
64.Sono was in Japan (Yes, but only one night stopover in Tokyo. I mean, I have not seen shit * sigh *)
65 . I write my weight
66.Ho milked a cow
67.Sistemo CDs in alphabetical order (Well, yes divided by gender, though: P)
68.Ho dreamed of being a superhero comic book
69.Ho sung in a karaoke bar
70.Sono been in bed all day
71.Ho made diving (Okay, snorkeling, to be precise: P)
72.Ho dreamed of being invisible
73.Ho made love someone without wanting (... and it was not pleasant)
74.Ho kissed in the rain (I've also fucked in the rain: P)
75.Ho played in the mud
76.Ho played in the rain
77.Sono been in a drive-in
78.Ho done something to regret but did not repent of having done
79.Ho seen the Great Wall of China
80.Ho discovered that someone has discovered my blog
81.Ho broke a window or a glass
83.Mi started a business are still in love reciprocated
84.Ho visited ancient sites
85.Ho made a martial arts course
86.Ho heard the same song for more than 6 hours
87.Sono been married
88.Sono been in a movie (a short film about the life of the poet Carducci shot in the city: Santa Maria a Monte. The movie served as a promo commercial for Museum Carducci, was dressed as a commoner fun run ^ ^)
89.Ho ruined a party
90.Ho cried watching a film
91.Ho loved someone who did not deserve (Well, from my point of view did not deserve: P)
92.Sono been kissed passionately feel dizzy
93.Ho divorced
94.Ho had sex in the office
95.Ho had sex in an elevator
96. I abstained from sex (any type) for more than 10 days
97.Ho cooked biscuits
98.Ho won a beauty contest
99.Sono was in a gondola in Venice
100. I got goose bumps (in a good way) feeling the tongue of another person
101.Ho least one tattoo
102.Ho at least one piercing (ears)
103. I went down in a canoe on the Snake River
104.Sono was in a TV studio as audience
105.Ho received flowers
106.Mi have masturbated in a public place
107.Mi got drunk not to remember anything (Oh come on, I always remember something: P)
108.Ho been addicted to drugs
109. I played in public
110.Sono went to play in Las Vegas
111.Ho eating shark
112.Ho recorded music
113.Sono been in Thailand
114.Ho bought a house (.. . about to)
115.Sono been in a war zone was in cruise
117.Ho beat my brother
118.Parlo more than one language
119.Mi are made bandage
120. are been involved in a brawl
121.Ho bad checks
122.Ho seen "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
123.Ho grown children (God forbid)
124.Di I recently bought and played with something 'infantile
125.Ho followed the entire tour group was a groupie
127.Ho participated in a Spring Break
128.Ho filmed by bike in a foreign country
129.Ho discovered something important on my ancestors
130.Ho wrote to the Governor of my state
131.Ho moved and started life in another city
132.Sono been on the Golden Gate Bridge
133.Avrei wanted to be a show
134. I sang in the car for at least 20 miles
135.Ho aborted
136.Ho undergone plastic surgery
137.Sono survived a car accident (See above tree hugging)
138.Ho written articles for newspapers
139.Ho made diets
140.Ho piloted aircraft
141.Ho cherished animal that I fear (I'm not afraid of animals other than insects, which I keep well away)
143.Ho had sex with men but did fall in love without being able to reciprocate
144.Ho given birth to an animal
145.Sono was fired
146.Ho won money in a tv show
147.Mi have broken some bones
148.Ho killed animals (insects, but always unwittingly)
149.Ho killed humans
150.Ho part in a safari in Africa (photo only, no weapons)
151.Ho driven a motorcycle drove a tractor
153.Ho of piercings outside of the ears
154.Ho shot with firearms
155.Ho eating mushrooms found in the woods (Not by me, or I would not be here to tell: P)
156.Ho anal sex
157 .
158.Ho surgery I immediately had sex on a train (Just some Palpatine)
159.Ho hitchhiked
160.Ho had a snake as a pet
161.Ho stayed for the duration of a flight
162.Ho seen more foreign countries than U.S. states (Technically yes, because the United States have been only two states)
163.Sono been on every continent (I miss Australia, and then I set foot in all ^ ^)
164.Ho traveled by canoe for more than two days
165.Ho made skiing
166.Ho eaten meat Kanguro
167.Ho ate sushi
168.Ho fucked outdoor
169.Ho punched someone (slap, yes, though)
170.Ho had a relationship lasting more than a year
171.Ho someone to change his mind on something
172.Ho changed your mind about something or someone
173.Ho did fire someone
174. I was afraid of dying
175.Mi are launched with parachute
176.Ho eating cockroaches or insects (God forbid)
177.Ho eaten fried green tomatoes
178.Ho read Homer
179.Ho stolen from the restaurant
180.Ho stolen from supermarket
181.Ho apologized long after
182.Sono was elected class president at least once
183.Ho repaired my own computer (But I have adjusted the printer itself : P) was
184.Sono DJ
185.Pianto for a full day cheating the game
187.Sono was arrested
188.Ho bigiato school
189.Mi have masturbated with another person
190.Ho bought shoes and clothes to a local market
191.Ho vomited in a public place
192.Ho sold something to a stranger
193.Ho communicated with someone without knowing their language
194.Ho stole the soap from (... and shampoo, slippers ...: P)
195.Ho washing the wheels of a machine or swipe the body (Parking wild: P)
196.Ho pissed outdoor (As a child likely to be great I do not remember)
197.Ho belch in front of other people (I think not. Noblesse oblige: P )
198.Ho copied a class test
199.Ho had sex on a first date
200.Sono fainted
12.Sono been to Paris
13th I saw a storm at sea
14.Ho spent the night wake up to see Dawn
15.Ho seen the northern lights (From the cockpit of an airplane, flying over Greenland * _ *)
16.Ho changed diapers for a child (God forbid)
17.Sono climb walking on top of the Tower of Pisa
18.Ho growing and eating vegetables from my garden
19.Ho hit an iceberg
20.Ho slept under the stars
21.Sono been seen on a balloon
22.Ho a meteor shower
23.Mi got drunk
24.Ho smoked grass (Once, in a bathtub full of steam. And I almost fainted, but so far I have not yet figured out if by steam or the spinel O_o)
looked 25.Ho the stars with a telescope
26.Mi the laughter came at an inopportune time (And do not recommend it: P)
27.Ho had oral sex
28.Ho bet the horses and won
29.Mi pretend they are sick although it had
30.Ho invited a stranger to my house
31.Ho done battle with snowballs
32.Mi are photocopied in the office butt
33.Ho screamed with all my strength just for the heck of it
34.Ho held in his arms a lamb (But I'd like * _ *)
35.Ho put in place long thought of an erotic fantasy
36.Ho made a romantic bath in light of candle (No candles, but moonlight and very romantic: P)
37.Ho took a shower with cold water
38.Mi started to talk to a beggar
39.Ho seen a total eclipse
40.Ho sunbathing topless
41.Sono been on a roller coaster
42.Ho made a home run
43.Ho danced like mad, not caring about the other
44.Ho spoke with an accent to a full day (But what will be fun?: P)
45.Ho visited the site of origin of my ancestors
46.Almeno once I felt happy with my life
47.Ho visited all Member America
48.Amo my work in every aspect
49.Ho comforted someone who was crapped bad
50.Ho won some lottery (seee, but when ever?)
51.Ho danced with strangers in foreign countries (In Kenya, on the beach. With a guy like dark-skinned ebony)
52.Ho seen whales
53.Ho masturbated others
54.Ho stolen or damaged road signs
55. I was sent back to Europe, arrival in U.S.
56.Ho took a trip on the road (And the Mexican highways do not recommend it to anyone)
57.Ho made mountaineering
58.Ho lied to customs
59. I took a walk night on the beach (with the ebony guy above)
60.Ho paragliding
61.Sono been done in Ireland
62.Ho had their hearts broken for longer than it has been in love
63.Al restaurant I sat down to eat with strangers (Dinners work O_o)
64.Sono was in Japan (Yes, but only one night stopover in Tokyo. I mean, I have not seen shit * sigh *)
65 . I write my weight
66.Ho milked a cow
67.Sistemo CDs in alphabetical order (Well, yes divided by gender, though: P)
68.Ho dreamed of being a superhero comic book
69.Ho sung in a karaoke bar
70.Sono been in bed all day
71.Ho made diving (Okay, snorkeling, to be precise: P)
72.Ho dreamed of being invisible
73.Ho made love someone without wanting (... and it was not pleasant)
74.Ho kissed in the rain (I've also fucked in the rain: P)
75.Ho played in the mud
76.Ho played in the rain
77.Sono been in a drive-in
78.Ho done something to regret but did not repent of having done
79.Ho seen the Great Wall of China
80.Ho discovered that someone has discovered my blog
81.Ho broke a window or a glass
83.Mi started a business are still in love reciprocated
84.Ho visited ancient sites
85.Ho made a martial arts course
86.Ho heard the same song for more than 6 hours
87.Sono been married
88.Sono been in a movie (a short film about the life of the poet Carducci shot in the city: Santa Maria a Monte. The movie served as a promo commercial for Museum Carducci, was dressed as a commoner fun run ^ ^)
89.Ho ruined a party
90.Ho cried watching a film
91.Ho loved someone who did not deserve (Well, from my point of view did not deserve: P)
92.Sono been kissed passionately feel dizzy
93.Ho divorced
94.Ho had sex in the office
95.Ho had sex in an elevator
96. I abstained from sex (any type) for more than 10 days
97.Ho cooked biscuits
98.Ho won a beauty contest
99.Sono was in a gondola in Venice
100. I got goose bumps (in a good way) feeling the tongue of another person
101.Ho least one tattoo
102.Ho at least one piercing (ears)
103. I went down in a canoe on the Snake River
104.Sono was in a TV studio as audience
105.Ho received flowers
106.Mi have masturbated in a public place
107.Mi got drunk not to remember anything (Oh come on, I always remember something: P)
108.Ho been addicted to drugs
109. I played in public
110.Sono went to play in Las Vegas
111.Ho eating shark
112.Ho recorded music
113.Sono been in Thailand
114.Ho bought a house (.. . about to)
115.Sono been in a war zone was in cruise
117.Ho beat my brother
118.Parlo more than one language
119.Mi are made bandage
120. are been involved in a brawl
121.Ho bad checks
122.Ho seen "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
123.Ho grown children (God forbid)
124.Di I recently bought and played with something 'infantile
125.Ho followed the entire tour group was a groupie
127.Ho participated in a Spring Break
128.Ho filmed by bike in a foreign country
129.Ho discovered something important on my ancestors
130.Ho wrote to the Governor of my state
131.Ho moved and started life in another city
132.Sono been on the Golden Gate Bridge
133.Avrei wanted to be a show
134. I sang in the car for at least 20 miles
135.Ho aborted
136.Ho undergone plastic surgery
137.Sono survived a car accident (See above tree hugging)
138.Ho written articles for newspapers
139.Ho made diets
140.Ho piloted aircraft
141.Ho cherished animal that I fear (I'm not afraid of animals other than insects, which I keep well away)
143.Ho had sex with men but did fall in love without being able to reciprocate
144.Ho given birth to an animal
145.Sono was fired
146.Ho won money in a tv show
147.Mi have broken some bones
148.Ho killed animals (insects, but always unwittingly)
149.Ho killed humans
150.Ho part in a safari in Africa (photo only, no weapons)
151.Ho driven a motorcycle drove a tractor
153.Ho of piercings outside of the ears
154.Ho shot with firearms
155.Ho eating mushrooms found in the woods (Not by me, or I would not be here to tell: P)
156.Ho anal sex
157 .
158.Ho surgery I immediately had sex on a train (Just some Palpatine)
159.Ho hitchhiked
160.Ho had a snake as a pet
161.Ho stayed for the duration of a flight
162.Ho seen more foreign countries than U.S. states (Technically yes, because the United States have been only two states)
163.Sono been on every continent (I miss Australia, and then I set foot in all ^ ^)
164.Ho traveled by canoe for more than two days
165.Ho made skiing
166.Ho eaten meat Kanguro
167.Ho ate sushi
168.Ho fucked outdoor
169.Ho punched someone (slap, yes, though)
170.Ho had a relationship lasting more than a year
171.Ho someone to change his mind on something
172.Ho changed your mind about something or someone
173.Ho did fire someone
174. I was afraid of dying
175.Mi are launched with parachute
176.Ho eating cockroaches or insects (God forbid)
177.Ho eaten fried green tomatoes
178.Ho read Homer
179.Ho stolen from the restaurant
180.Ho stolen from supermarket
181.Ho apologized long after
182.Sono was elected class president at least once
183.Ho repaired my own computer (But I have adjusted the printer itself : P) was
184.Sono DJ
185.Pianto for a full day cheating the game
187.Sono was arrested
188.Ho bigiato school
189.Mi have masturbated with another person
190.Ho bought shoes and clothes to a local market
191.Ho vomited in a public place
192.Ho sold something to a stranger
193.Ho communicated with someone without knowing their language
194.Ho stole the soap from (... and shampoo, slippers ...: P)
195.Ho washing the wheels of a machine or swipe the body (Parking wild: P)
196.Ho pissed outdoor (As a child likely to be great I do not remember)
197.Ho belch in front of other people (I think not. Noblesse oblige: P )
198.Ho copied a class test
199.Ho had sex on a first date
200.Sono fainted
Oh well. I'm the worst.
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