Name: The name of the character, or names, pseunomini character, depending on the type.
Clan: the clan of belonging.
Sire: is the one who has made you a vampire. To imagine what you would like your vampire think well how did your Sire, Sire usually as a chooses his pupil in his own image and likeness. Then, once the game will be entered in full swing, focused on the differences.
Nature is like the character sees the world, or rather, as seen in relationship to itself. [See below]
Character: the character is like the other shows that sees the world. It's the way it behaves. [See below]
Generation: The number of steps that separate it from Cain, the First Vampire. How to determine it will be specified later.
Refuge : where is the character spends the day.
Status: This is the place that takes the player from the other vampires
Profile: the concepts are reduced to one-or two - words that "outline" what was the character before all'Embrace - any everything from the Vigilante Crazy Porn Star.
Archetypes (Nature & Conduct) Architect - "Building a better future."
Autocrat - "You need power."
Boys - "i will be someone to take care of you? "
Bon Vivant - "undead and for pleasure."
Bravo - "The force is all that matters."
Fool - "The laughs diminish their suffering." Surly
- "Nothing is worthwhile." Compassionate
/ Altruism - "Everyone needs to eat."
Celebrant - "exists for your passions."
Competitor - "You You must be the best. "
Conformist - "Follow and shoot."
Diverted - "there for the pleasure of anyone but yourself."
Director - "Monitor what needs to be done."
Fanatic - "The cause is all that matters."
Rascal - "He who can, win. He who can not lose. You can. "
Galante -" You're not the end of the show, you're the show! "
Judge -" The truth is out of here. "
Martyr -" Your suffering for a greater good. "
masochist -" Send your limits every night. "
Monster -" Damn you, then act like this! "
Pedagogue -" Without prejudice to other means of knowledge. "
Penitent -" The non-life is a journey for atonement, long time. "
Perfectionist -" Nothing is good enough. "
Rebel -" Not follow any rule. "
Borrowers -" The others are for your benefit. "
Solitaire -" You create your own road. "
Survivor -" Nothing can bring you down. "
Bold -" The attack is all that matters. "
Traditionalist -" As has always been, always will be. "
Visionary -" There's something more than that. "
Sample Profile Criminal, Tramp, Entertainer, intellectual, Detective, kid, night owl, Outdoors, Political, Professional, Reporter, World, money, jobs ...
addition to the vampire character has a physical and mental capacity are common to all men who have been divided into attributes and skills. The CUT will find the list.
PHYSICAL: strength, dexterity and constitution. SOCIAL
: charisma, persuasion, charm. MENTAL
: perception, intelligence, readiness
ABILITIES: athletics, authority, knowledge of the road, empathy, expressiveness, intimidate, brawl, dodge, sixth sense, subterfuge.
CAPACITY: addstrare animals, weapons, firearms, artistic expression, stealth, etiquette, guides, manuals, safety and survival.
KNOWLEDGE: academic, finance, information technology, investigation, law, linguistics, medicine, the occult, politics, science.
addition to these attributes almost human there are other vampires who typically are obtained by studying the depths of its nature of the undead. These aspects are called Discipline. The list below is CUT (
sorry but it was by the book in English that I finished translating it into Italian ... something, something else will translate them into English ... soon all in Italian, promised )
Animalism - Supernatural affinity and animal control.
Wish - extrasensory perception, awareness and foresight.
Speed - Speed and reflexes supernatural.
chimerism - The Ravnos' ability to create illusions and hallucinations.
Dementation - The ability moving silently close to the victims.
Dominate - mind control practiced by a sharp glance.
Fortitudine - outrageous strength, from the point to resist heat and sunlight.
Necromancy - The power to summon and control supernatural death.
Obfuscating - The ability to remain obscure and unseen, even in a crowd.
darkened - Incredible control over the shadows.
Power - The control of physical vigor and strength.
Presence - The ability to attract, influence and control the crowd.
Protean - Shape changing from growing claws to melding with the earth.
Quietus - L 'art of the assassination of Assamites.
Serpentis - the Discipline rettilesca "of the Followers of Set
Thaumaturgo - The study and practice of blood-sorcery.
Vicissitude - The Tzimisce art of flesh-shaping.